Policies and Procedures
Accessibility Policy and Plan
How we provide an inclusive, supportive and caring environment for all.
Admissions Policy
The criteria and process for admitting pupils to our school.
Attendance Policy
Why good attendance at school is essential.
Behaviour and Attitudes Policy
Promoting positive attitudes and values within a Christian context.
CCTV System Policy and Code of Practices
How we use CCTV for the security and safety of our staff, pupils and premises.
Charging and Remissions Policy
The way in which we try to minimise financial barriers to visits and activities.
Collective Worship Policy
Maintaining a focal point of each school day.
Complaints Policy
How we deal with concerns and complaints.
Debt Recovery PolicyHow we safeguard our budget and the resources we provide for the children
Educational Visits Policy
Procedures for taking part in off-site educational, cultural and sporting activities.
Equality StatementOur equality responsibilities and objectives.
Financial procedures
Financial code of conduct and regulations.
First Aid Policy
How we protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of our children and adults.
Freedom of Information Policy
The right of public access to information held by St Margaret’s School
GDPR Data Protection Policy
Personal data protocols.
GDPR Subject Access Requests Form
How to access personal data held by St Margaret’s School
Pupil Privacy Notice
How we take care of pupil information.
Employee Privacy Notice
Looking after employee information.
Health and Safety Policy
Maintaining a safe and healthy teaching and learning environment.
Management and Retention of Records Policy
How we look after all records relating to the life of our school.
Marking Policy
How we provide focussed and timely feedback to pupils.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) Policy
(Including Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
How we are committed to the development of the whole child.
Radicalisation Policy
Keeping children safe and promoting tolerance and respect for all cultures, faiths and lifestyles.
Religious Education Policy
How we ensure Religious Education enables every child to flourish and live life in all its fullness.
Remote Learning Policy
Our remote learning provision
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Safeguarding Policy (Coronavirus)
An update to our Safeguarding Policy relating to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Safer Recruitment Policy
Recruiting staff while safeguarding children.
Scheme of delegation and financial terms of reference statement
School Uniform Policy
Practical, smart clothing that promotes a sense of pride in our school community.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
The way we organise our provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy
/doc/support_Children_with _medical_needs_policy.pdf
Teaching and Learning Policy
Ensuring the highest quality of education for all pupils.
Website Privacy Policy
How we treat information related to users of our website.