Curriculum for KS2 mixed year group classes
In Key Stage 2 the children are taught in mixed year group classes. There are three classes made up of children in years 3 and 4 (referred to as the year 3/4 classes or Lower Key Stage 2) and three classes made up of children in years 5 and 6 (referred to as the year 5/6 classes or Upper Key Stage 2). The classes are made up of children with a mixture of prior attainment: children have not been ‘set’ according to their ability. This approach is supported by educational research.
Lower and Upper Key Stage 2The curriculum in both Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 has been carefully organised into a two year cycle to avoid repetition or missing elements of the curriculum. In English, the children are taught the spelling, punctuation and grammar skills appropriate to their year group and are expected to apply these to a range of genres in their writing. Texts are carefully selected to ensure they are appropriate to both year groups within each class. The programme of study for Science, RE and the foundation subjects (Geography, History, Art, DT, Music, PE, PSHE and Computing) is also organised into two year cycles. In all subjects, the children are challenged and supported according to their need.
Maths groups
The only subject that children are taught in separate year groups is Maths. This means your child may go to another class to be taught Maths by a different teacher from their class teacher. There are two Maths classes in each year group: again, they are made up of children with a mixture of attainment.