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Curriculum Overview
(Nursery–Year 6)

At St Margaret's our aim is for our pupils to become confident, enthusiastic learners with high aspirations for their future. We strive to provide an engaging curriculum, relevant to the needs of our community. 

Our curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in a progressive way, taking into account children's previous learning and experiences, and building on them so that all children achieve their potential. However, we also believe that our curriculum should go beyond this. To fully prepare children for life in modern Britain we provide experiences that develop the whole child, underpinned by Christian values promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Our curriculum is delivered through topics which are designed to connect subjects through a cross curricular approach, thus strengthening the children's knowledge, understanding and skills. Language is at the heart of our curriculum as we recognise the importance of good language skills to future academic success. Our aim is to promote in our children a lifelong love of learning.

Find out about our curriculum for KS2:

Mixed year group classes 

Take a look at our curriculum maps for each year group:



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3/4 2024-2025

Year 3/4 2025-2026

Year 5/6 2024-2025

Year 5/6 2025-2026