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Through the teaching of geography at St Margaret’s, we aim to inspire, in all pupils, a curiosity about the world and its people. Our curriculum has been carefully designed to nurture pupils’ inquisitive thinking and questioning skills by encouraging our children to develop a deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their local area and the wider world. 

Within our curriculum, fieldwork is encouraged and implemented from EYFS to Year 6; in each phase fieldwork skills are developed and built upon. Trips and visits to the local area provide opportunities to develop fieldwork skills and learn about geography first hand, while resources such as atlases, Google Earth and the internet are used to develop children’s understanding of other countries and the wider world.

A world view

Our diverse geography curriculum encourages our pupils to become more conscious citizens, through exploring topical themes such as climate change and thinking about the impact on a local and global scale. It offers opportunities for children to begin to think as global citizens.

Primary National Curriculum: Geography

Subject Overview for Years 1-6: Geography

Progression Map: Geography