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Wraparound childcare provision

Our popular wraparound childcare provision is run by St Margaret's staff, providing continuity of care throughout the day. Sessions can be booked to suit your family’s needs, subject to availability


Morning childcare provision (7.30am-8.30am – latest drop-off 8.20am)

Open from 7.30am, children must be signed into our morning childcare provision by the adult who brings them to school. We offer a breakfast of cereal, toast and a drink, followed by a choice of activities such as board games and crafts. At 8.30am the group is taken to join their classmates for the start of the school day. (£5 per session).


Afternoon childcare provision (3.15pm-6pm)

Staff collect children from Reception and KS1 and take them to the After School Club, while children from KS2 make their own way there. A healthy snack and drink are served, while the children share news of their day. Outdoor play (weather permitting), games, toys and books are all on offer until pick-up time. Children can be collected whenever is convenient for you, before the end of the session (£11 per session – a penalty payment applies for collections after 6pm).


Short notice or emergency childcare provision

We are also now offering a short notice and emergency childcare provision. This childcare provision is for ad-hoc (one-off) childcare bookings. These can be booked in advance or at short notice as emergency bookings. The charge for the morning provision is £6.50 per child per session and the charge for the afternoon provision is £15 per child per session. Bookings are subject to availability on the day requested.

In an emergency, you may phone us to request childcare at the above rate. In the event of a child not being collected at the end of the day, we will place the child in our emergency childcare provision and invoice you accordingly.

To make a booking please contact Mrs Joyce on sao@stmargaretce.greenwich.sch.uk. or come  in to discuss your requirements.

(Please note that places are limited and there is a waiting list for some sessions.)