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Our Christian Vision:
'Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you...
by this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one-another."'
(John 13: 34-35.)

A Welcome from

our Headteacher

Headteacher (ID 1134)

As the Headteacher of St Margaret's C of E Primary School, Greenwich, London I would like to welcome you to our school website. 


At St Margaret's we are dedicated to providing each child with a wealth of experience and opportunities to succeed in all that they do. Our aim is to ensure that all of our children are able to reach their full potential and that they become successful learners who are confident, responsible, and self-assured and ready for the next stage of their learning journey. 


As a Church of England school we are proud to be able to benefit the whole community and are inclusive of people who have a Christian faith, another faith, or no religious faith. We have a clear theologically rooted Christian vision that underpins and shapes our teaching and learning and we aim to show love in all we do, with the impact of our vision being that pupils and adult flourish within our school community. 


‘Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you…By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one-another.”’ (John 13: 34-35)


We aim to create a happy, caring, spiritual, respectful, and hardworking environment. A place in which all staff utilise their skills to enable the children in their care to recognise their true potential and talents in the classroom, during sporting activities or through other enrichment opportunities. As a school community, we celebrate the successes of our children in all areas of school life and beyond showing the children that we believe in them, respect them and are proud of them.


We believe that the partnership between home and school is central to these aims and we encourage parents and carers to take an active role in their child's education throughout their time at the school. Prospective parents are warmly invited to visit our school and experience our warm and welcoming school.


I feel privileged to be the Headteacher of St Margaret's and the dedicated staff team and I will always strive to ensure we all provide the best education for each child, as a member of our school family.


Kind regards

Anna Sullivan, Headteacher


'St Margaret’s is a warm and welcoming place. Pupils enjoy their learning and are happy to come to school. They feel safe and are kept safe here.' Ofsted 2023